== Ample == Ample is a multipurpose responsive WordPress theme made to help you create a beautiful professional looking site in no time. It has numerous built-in options to give your site the look that you want. Get free support at http://themegrill.com/support-forum/ and check the demo at http://demo.themegrill.com/ample/ /**********************************************************/ == COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE == External resources linked to the theme. * Roboto Font by Christian Robertson http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto, http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto+Slab Apache License, version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html Resources packed within the theme. * Font Awesome: SIL OFL 1.1 license http://fontawesome.io/license/ * Image in the screenshot is from http://pixabay.com/ link: http://pixabay.com/en/office-freelancer-computer-business-583839/ * The BxSlider is licensed under MIT link: https://github.com/stevenwanderski/bxslider-4 * Other custom js files are our own creation and is licensed under the same license as this theme. All other resources and theme elements are licensed under the [GNU GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt), version 3 Ample WordPress Theme, Copyright 2015 ThemeGrill Ample is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL /**********************************************************/ == THEME USAGE == = Theme Instruction = Get theme instruction at http://docs.themegrill.com/ample/ = Free Support = Get free support at http://themegrill.com/support-forum = Theme Features Usage = All available options can be used from Appearance->Theme Options /**********************************************************/ == TRANSLATIONS == If you want to translate this theme to your language, Please visit:- https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-themes/ample /**********************************************************/ == SUPPORTED PLUGINS == 1. Breadcrumb NavXT https://wordpress.org/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/ 2. WP-PageNavi https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-pagenavi/ /**********************************************************/ == Changelog == = Version 1.1.5 - 2016-12-23 = * Tweaks - Updated Font Awessome to `v.4.7.0` for new icon support. * Feature - Migrated the Custom CSS code added in theme settings to Additional CSS section introduced in WordPress 4.7 * Feature - Added the Custom Site Logo feature introduced in WordPress 4.5 * Feature - Added support for Site Icon introduced in WordPress 4.3 = Version 1.1.4 - 2016-09-02 = * Feature - Added RTL support. * Feature - Theme is now compatible with WooCommerce. * Tweaks - Enhancement for the media uploader scripts used in widgets. = Version 1.1.3 = * Fix - WooCommerce shop error fixed. * Tweaks - Updated Font Awesome to version 4.6.1. = Version 1.1.2 = * Tweaks - Theme information is properly organized in Customize panel. * Tweaks - Language file updated. * Feature - Primary Color hover effect is added. * Feature - Theme is now compatible with WooCommerce. = Version 1.1.1 = * Content width adjusted according to the layout choosed. * Removed backward compatibility for WordPress title tag. * Fontawesome icons updated to version 4.5.0 = Version 1.1.0 = * Team descriptions is added in archive page. * Some fixes for better SEO. = Version 1.0.9 = * Options to Hide categories in Blog page issue is fixed. * Fontawesome icons updated to 4.4.0 = Version 1.0.8 = * Theme Options migrated to customizer as per new WordPress theme review guidelines. = Version 1.0.7 = * WordPress default gallery alignment issue fixed. Also, responsiveness adjustment done for WordPress default gallery. = Version 1.0.6 = * Removed deprecated function for WP_Widget class and used the __construct() instead as per WordPress 4.3 = Version 1.0.5 = * Styling adjustment for single post navigation is fixed. * Menu alignment in small device (when header Text and Logo are not used) is fixed. * Translation issue of Read more is fixed. * Slider Navigation issue in chrome fixed. = Version 1.0.4 = * Added the update class for Google Structured Data. * Small adjustment in Breadcrumb NavXT plugin support code. = Version 1.0.3 = * Default WordPress Gallery supported. = Version 1.0.2 = * Styling adjustment for lists items done. * Styling adjustment for strong tag. * Fontawesome icons updated to 4.3.0 = Version 1.0.1 = * Menu not aligning properly in small devices issue fixed. * Color Picker bug fixed. * Slider stop on hover is fixed. = Version 1.0 = * Theme licensed changed from GPL version 2 to GPL version 3. * Supported plugins information added in the same file. * admin_enqueue_scripts is used to load scripts in Admin area. * Custom CSS option now sanitized using wp_filter_nohtml_kses(). * Prefix is added in custom global variables and custom functions (missing ones). * Other CSS and HTML refinements. * Unwanted empty folders removed. = Version 0.2 = * Responsiveness added. * All refinements and adjustments done. = Version 0.1 = * All brand new.